SPAM//NARCISSUS_redeemed >> an experimental telematic performance platform and participatory teleconferencing funhouse, this installation project is an ongoing curatorial collaboration with Gambletron.
NARCISSUSredeemed was initiated through a workshop series curated by Vincent Chevalier at Artspace, Peterborough in 2015. In this form, the installation brought together Artspace with Eastern Bloc, Montreal to experiment with video feedback loops and the chaos of live feeds across multiple projections.
SPAM, the work's most recent iteration was hosted by Studio XX in conjunction with OBORO for the 2016 HTMlles Festival. This version featured telematic performances by White Girl Wasted (New Orleans), Pacha Queer (Quito), Leelee Davis (Toronto), Niko Solorio (Los Angeles), and Emilia Farts (Montreal).